
Get more storytelling from Heath Buckmaster

Whether this is a blog or a journal or a whiteboard or a notepad it’s a place for me to share some little tidbits now and then. Follow along!

The Latest Journal Entries


This poem dates back to my middle school or early high school years. I don’t remember writing it, but it was found in a small collection of works printed on an old dot matrix printer back in the day. So here is Dew,…

Memories of Easter

What is Easter? Where did it come from? Is it solely a Christian holiday to celebrate the death and resurrection of a deity? Or is it a Pagan rite of fertility? Or perhaps it was created by a bunch of people who were…

Poem 849

I love little poetic experiments…here’s number 849. Circular captions of carp that float on the paths of rainbows and riches and rags. Once more I venture to the side of the plane where winds are waving and flowing to the beat of drums…

Valentine’s Day, a History

Many years ago I began to research the origins of a ridiculous day of the calendar. Here is what happened… Fluorescent Lighting. Buying Heath a book called “The Superior Person’s Book of Words”. Carpool lanes that require more than 1 person in the…

New Year New You

Well it’s that time again. The start of a new year when the regret from the past and the hope for the future collide. Did I get everything done in 2022 that I needed to get done? Did I miss a year-end deadline…

What Do We Really Know?

I know quite a bit about my friends. I remember most of their birthdays (some with a bit of help from my calendar reminders); I know the names of their spouses / partners / parents / kids; I know their favourite movies, musical…


Over the past few months I’ve been fighting off a recurring problem which I think impacts a large number of people. Some of you may also have experienced this issue, and it can impact both your work and home environment. At work it…

Independence Day

Epipremnum aureum. Common names: Pothos, Ceylon creeper, Devil’s Ivy, and many more. Derived from the Latin Vulgate meaning that which grows and spreads like wildfire yet can thrive even in dark closets. This amazing plant has sprung up in every restaurant, airport, hospital,…


As you may know, I’m a huge fan of words. Actually, I’m more than just a fan; I’m an addict. I’m hopelessly, needlessly, obsessively addicted to words. I use them constantly…every day…without pause. Sometimes I think that there’s nothing else I can do…

Music Makes a People

I originally wrote this in 2003, at a time when it felt like the world was going astray. Now in 2022 we have far surpassed those days and are in uncharted territories of madness and mayhem and muck. And so what is there…

Writing Companion Books and Other Stuff

I’m working on a companion book in the TeraNor series (a romance-ish novel called The Courting of Moonbeam). If you are new to my world, the TeraNor series starts with The Guardian of TeraMagoria, a young adult book (which is completely suitable for…

From the Archives: The One Who Makes Me Smile

During my first year of college I dated a girl who lived upstairs from me in the dorms. She inspired some sappy poetry. Here’s something I wrote on September 11, 1991. I still have the original copy, so apparently she gave it back…


I lose track of dates and times when it comes to things I’ve written. Recently I made myself aware that something I thought I had written only a few years ago was actually written when I was a kid. This is due in…

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