Adult Fiction

Sweet Kisses

Hayden Chalmers. Now that was one fine lookin’ man – tall, with dark hair, except for exactly three gray ones, even though he was just a young man. He had the most exquisite blue eyes that were as clear as my koi pond on a cool winter day. And those sweet kissable lips. My oh my, you could kiss those lips all day long, take a break for a quick dinner, then go right on back to kissin’ ‘em again like they were cherry pie dessert with whipped topping.

From author Heath Buckmaster comes this trip through time, as an aging southern widow recounts her passionate life filled with heartache and Sweet Kisses.

Short Stories by Heath Buckmaster

Sometimes the words flow in little rivers which become short stories or novellas. Most of my short stories are on the darker / macabre side. I didn’t necessarily set out to write them that way, but they became an interesting contrast to my longer form writing which is mostly fantasy adventure for young adults.

There’s one notable exception – Silent Kay – she’s really more of an extended poem and she’s free to read just click below.

Enjoy a short story…most available in print or for Kindle.

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